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Common Whitlowgrass - Draba verna

The plant is ephemeral - has a very short growing season. A little one, just a few cm, so you have to be able to do everything before the bigger ones grow and the lights don't stop...

Camera manufacturer and model Lens manufacturer and model Focal length Aperture Exposure ISO sensitivity
Canon EOS 7D Canon EF 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM 400 mm f/9 1/250 250
  • Common Whitlowgrass - Draba verna | Fotografijos autorius : Kęstutis Obelevičius | © Macronature.eu | Macro photography web site
Kauno botanikos sodas, Kaunas
54° 52' 17.2524" N, 23° 55' 0.8796" E
Kaunas LT
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