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Araliaceae - Ivy family

Hedera helix - Common Ivy

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 5

Campanulaceae - Bellflower family

Campanula cervicaria - Bristly Bellflower

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 7

Caryophyllaceae - Pink family

Atocion lituanicum

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 1

Iridaceae - Iris family

Iris sibirica - Siberian Iris

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 6

Lentibulariaceae - Bladderwort family

Pinguicula vulgaris - Common Butterwort

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 2

Orchidaceae - Orchid family

Epipactis helleborine - Broad-leaved Helleborine

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 3

Anacamptis morio - Green-winged Orchid

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 11

Ponerorchis cucullata

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 3

Epipactis atrorubens - Dark-red Helleborine

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 11

Boletaceae - Boletes

Hemileccinum impolitum - Iodine Bolete

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 1

Hortiboletus rubellus - Ruby Bolete

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 1


Fistulina hepatica - Beefsteak Fungus

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 12


Ramaria aurea - Golden Coral Fungus

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 4

Hygrophoraceae - Waxcaps

Hygrophorus chrysodon - Gold Flecked Woodwax

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 2


Lobaria pulmonaria - Tree Lungwort

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 1

Meruliaceae - Resupinates, Brackets

Sarcodontia crocea - Orchard Toothcrust

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 12

Morchellaceae - Morels and Allies

Verpa conica - Common Thimble Morel

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 2

Verpa bohemica - Wrinkled Thimble Morel

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 8


Rhodotus palmatus - Wrinkled Peach

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 8

Russulaceae - Milkcaps, Brittlegills and Allies

Russula aurea - Gilded Brittlegill

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 5

Tricholomataceae - Knights, Cavaliers, Funnels, Bonnets, etc.

Leucocortinarius bulbiger - White Webcap

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 13

Tricholoma apium - Scented Knight

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 7
Bivalvia - Bivalve Shell

Unionidae - River Mussels

Unio crassus - Thick-shelled Mussel

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 1
Branchiopoda - Branchiopods

Triopsidae - Tadpole Shrimps

Lepidurus apus - Golden Tadpole Shrimp

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 2

Triops cancriformis - European tadpole shrimp

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 3
Coleoptera - Beetles

Cerambycidae - Longhorn Beetles

Necydalis major - Longhorn Beetle

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 8

Prionus coriarius - The Tanner

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 15

Cucujidae - Flat Bark Beetles

Cucujus cinnaberinus - Cinnabar Flat Bark

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 30

Silphidae - Carrion Beetles

Dendroxena quadrimaculata - Four-spotted Carrion Beetle

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 4
Dermaptera - Earwigs

Labiduridae - Striped Earwigs

Labidura riparia – Shore Earwig

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 18
Hymenoptera - Ants, Bees, Wasps, and Sawflies

Crabronidae - Square-headed Wasps, Sand Wasps, and Allies

Bembix rostrata - Sand Wasp

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 21

Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps

Scolia hirta - Hairy Scoliid Wasp

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 3
Lepidoptera - Butterflies and Moths

Arctiinae - Tiger Moths and Allies

Tyria jacobaeae - Cinnabar Moth

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 16

Hesperiidae - Skipper Butterflies

Carterocephalus palaemon - Chequered Skipper

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 9

Lycaenidae - Hairstreaks

Glaucopsyche alexis - Green-underside Blue

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 6

Nymphalidae - Brush-footed Butterflies

Euphydryas maturna - Scarce Fritillary

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 14

Coenonympha tullia - Large Heath

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 4

Brenthis daphne - Marbled Fritillary

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 15

Melitaea diamina - False Heath Fritillary

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 10

Euphydryas aurinia - Marsh Fritillary

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 12

Coenonympha hero - Scarce Heath

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 3

Papilionidae - Swallowtail and Birdwing Butterflies

Papilio machaon – Common Swallowtail

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 59

Parnassius mnemosyne - Clouded Apollo

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 22
Odonata - Dragonflies and Damselflies

Gomphidae - Club-tailed dragonflies

Gomphus flavipes - River Clubtail

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 6

Libellulidae - Common Skimmers

Sympetrum pedemontanum - Banded Darter

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 14
Orthoptera - Grasshoppers, Crickets, and Locusts

Gryllidae - True Crickets

Modicogryllus frontalis - Eastern Stripe-headed Cricket

Number of categories: 1
Number of photos: 6