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Elf Cup - Sarcoscypha sp.

It grew in a clearing that was ending its growth, on a southern exposure slope. Hazelnuts and elms grew abundantly around, and the clearing was also surrounded by spruce.

Camera manufacturer and model Lens manufacturer and model Focal length Aperture Exposure ISO sensitivity Exposure correction
Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL TAMRON SP AF Di 90 mm 1:2.8 MACRO 1:1 1/2.8 90 mm f/10 1/6 100 -0.67 Ev
  • Elf Cup - Sarcoscypha sp.  | Fotografijos autorius : Gintautas Steiblys | © Macronature.eu | Macro photography web site
Kleboniškio miškas, Kauno raj.
54° 56' 54.096" N, 23° 59' 6.666" E
Kaunas LT
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