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Canon EF 70-300 f/4.5-5.6 IS USM

Hoary plantain - Plantago media

Tuesday, 12 July, 2016
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The burnt moths likes these plantains very much..

Girionys, Kauno raj.
54° 51' 30.6684" N, 24° 2' 16.2744" E
Kaunas LT

Common stinkhorn - Phallus impudicus

Thursday, 8 September, 2016
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In autumn, I ate those "eggs" - not boiled, not fried... Hmm... the taste is not mine... Smile

Kaukinės miškas, Kaišiadorių raj.
54° 42' 6.1668" N, 24° 28' 17.634" E
Kaunas LT

Cuckoo flower - Cardamine pratensis

Kauno botanikos sodas, Kaunas
54° 52' 8.1552" N, 23° 54' 29.7936" E
Kaunas LT

Flowering rush - Butomus umbellatus

Wednesday, 6 July, 2016
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An extremely beautiful aquatic plant. I think it is one of the most suitable for growing near pools

Nevėžio - Nemuno santaka, Kaunas
54° 55' 53.5296" N, 23° 45' 23.5584" E
Kaunas LT

Mezereon - Daphne mezereum

Sunday, 10 April, 2016
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Gražus ir nuodingas

Kaukinės miškas, Kaišiadorių raj.
54° 51' 2.268" N, 24° 22' 42.0132" E
Kaunas LT
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