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Red-bellied Jumping Spider - Philaeus chrysops

Saturday, 17 August, 2024
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forest cutting with young pine trees. The house turns closer to the trunk of the pine tree, it can be 10 cm from the ground. I found quite a few individuals over the course of a few hours, but none that were bright red.

Grūtas, Druskininkų saviv.
54° 1' 14.5344" N, 24° 6' 4.5576" E
Alytus LT

Six-spot burnet - Zygaena filipendulae

Saturday, 1 July, 2023
Short description: 

I found it in a very interesting place. Sufficiently isolated in the middle of the forest.

Tapeliai, Vilniaus raj.
54° 44' 52.782" N, 25° 28' 1.0668" E
Vilnius LT

Southern red wood ant - Formica rufa

Saturday, 20 May, 2023
Short description: 

Today (20/05/2023) flying Formica rufa queens . I did not use the key ID for evaluation, because it is still too early for the other rufa group to fly.

Medžiakalnio geomorfologinis draustinis, Vilniaus raj.
54° 43' 58.3824" N, 25° 8' 34.3932" E

Nursery web spider - Pisaura mirabilis

Juodžių miškas, Panevėžio raj.
55° 26' 49.542" N, 24° 19' 51.4272" E
Panevezys LT

Ground wolf-spider - Trochosa terricola

Juodžių miškas, Panevėžio raj.
55° 26' 43.0836" N, 24° 19' 58.1448" E
Panevezys LT

Black Hairstreak - Satyrium pruni

Tarvydžiai, Šiaulių raj.
56° 3' 44.9136" N, 22° 45' 10.1916" E
Siauliai LT

Six-spot burnet - Zygaena filipendulae

Tirkiliškiai, Kaunas
54° 51' 27.2412" N, 23° 51' 44.91" E
Kaunas LT

Firebug - Pyrrhocoris apterus

Naugardiškės, Kaunas
54° 51' 29.2824" N, 23° 52' 57.2196" E
Kaunas LT
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