Nothern Bear-spider - Arctosa cinerea
Camera manufacturer and model | Lens manufacturer and model | Aperture | Exposure | ISO sensitivity |
Pentax K10D | Sigma 105 mm | f/18 | 1/3 | 100 |
Nothern Bear-spider - Arctosa... 2024-07-29 Kazimieras Martinaitis
Nothern Bear-spider - Arctosa... 2018-04-24 Vitalii Alekseev
Nothern Bear-spider - Arctosa... 2012-06-22 Gintautas Steiblys
Nothern Bear-spider - Arctosa... 2011-09-14 Romas Ferenca
Nothern Bear-spider - Arctosa... 2010-09-15 Romas Ferenca
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